Bronx Gang Documentary Diary
Dec 1st, 2007
Wanderers movie Ducky Boy - Mark Lesly |
12th, 2007
Back to the Ducky - Fall 2007 |
4th, 2007
The Bronx Borough Historian helps me out |
14th, 2007
Boston w/ Ducky friends and Mark Lind of the Ducky Boys band |
19th, 2007
Two Ducky Boys in a Ducky House |
20th, 2006
Black 47, Pat St. John, & Chess Sets |
28th, 2006
The Warriors vs The Wanderers |
21st, 2006
Ducky reunion 2006 |
30th, 2006
Ducky Slingshot Victims - Lou & Kevin |
22nd, 2006
Author Gary Weiss |
19th, 2006
Konrad Sheehan at Van Courtlandt Park |
12th, 2006
Two Ducky Girls in Florida |
27th, 2006
Down the Ducky with some Duckies |
Bronx Gang Bios
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of Our Dens:
The Richard & the Young Lions Story
a Lantern-Media Production
the DVD here
Gangs Documentary Diary
19th, 2006 entry - Konrad
Sheehan At Van Courtlandt Park
interview day for us here at Lantern-Media. We scored an interview with
Konrad Sheehan. Konrad is an actor/stuntman and done both
in MANY popular films. For example, he has appeared in Raging Bull,
Fort Apache-The Bronx, Brubaker, Eyes of Laura Mars,
Wolfen, My Favorite Year, Secret of my Success, and
Ishtar. He has appeared as an actor and/or stuntman
in so many films that neither he nor the Internet Movie Database can
give an accurate listing.
the main reason why Konrad is important to our Ducky Boy documentary
project is that he has appeared in BOTH of the two
movies that will forever be known as the quintessential Bronx gang movies.
those are The
Wanderers and The
the pictures to make them larger
as a Ducky Boy leader in The Wanderers |
as the Punks Gang Leader in The Warriors |
While Konrad was
great in the Warriors (and the other movies), I will focus more on
his role in the Wanderers here for obvious reasons - The Ducky Boys
were not officially in the Warriors (altho you could make a point
that they were really the Orphans in that movie - but that's an argument
for a different day)
In the Wanderers,
Konrad portrayed the first Ducky Boy to interact with the Wanderers.
When the Wanderers were driving around looking for Karen Allen, they
got lost and ended up in the Ducky Boy neighborhood. As they are driving
the Ducky's are all over causing the Wanderer car to swerve - Eventually
the car had to stop and Konrad walked over to the car, ripped the
antenna off, and when Perry (Tony Ganios) got out of the car, started
whipping him with the antenna until Perry grabbed him and threw Konrad
across the front of the car. Then the fight really began with the
Wanderers barely getting out of there alive.
He also was in
quite a few other scenes as he was also a stuntman on the film. Oddly
enough he did not play a Ducky Boy in the final football fight scene.
Due to his skills as a stuntman, ironically he was cast as one of
the Wanderer football players who got one of the more dramatic butt-kicking's.
So back to our
the pictures to make them larger
Konrad flew out
from California primarily to do this interview.. Which was EXTREMELY
cool of him to do this and a huge honor for me. And to top it off,
he was a really nice down-to-earth guy who was passionate about his
acting and stuntman days.
After giving him
a tour of the actual Ducky turf, we went over to the bleachers over
at Van Courtlandt Park for our interview. And for the record, the
big football fight scene in the Wanderers was filmed at the football
field there at Van Courtlandt Park. Not only was Konrad actually there
during filming, but as you will see below in the
pictures, it is very much the same as it looked in the movie with
the exception of a new track around it.
the pictures to make them larger
Sheehan and James Hannon in the bleachers at Van Courtlandt
Park Football field.
Sheehan and James Hannon in the bleachers at Van Courtlandt
Park Football field.
Wanderers fan should recognize this shot - While Konrad wasn't
the actual Ducky who did this in the movie, I still had to take
this shot
of course, I had to get in on the act - I mean how many times
does this opportunity present itself?
I wont go
too into what we spoke about as I don't want to give too much away now.
But we spoke about filming the Wanderers, the Warriors (and other films
of his), about how the movie Ducky's were quite different than the actual
Ducky's (they weren't the zombie-ish creatures portrayed), and how they
were the same (what they lacked in size they made up for in sheer numbers).
Overall a great interview
After the interview,
being that he hasn't been around the area in a while, we drove around
the area and showed him the Bronx sites which he seemed to love. Altho
looking back now, I cant imagine why he'd be interested in *MY* old
apartment building - although it was right across from PS46 and our
Lady of Refuge which was "Real" Ducky relevant..
So i would like
to take this opportunity to publicly thank Konrad Sheehan for being
such a great guy who traveled completely across the country to do this
for us, giving us a GREAT and passionate interview, and for being just
an all-around good guy! Thank you!